Monday, August 31, 2009
Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Boyer
Thanks for the great 3 weeks!!!
We love you guys and we really do miss getting to spend time together like you do... you may not realize just how special it is to have such a strong support network so close... but I hope you do!
Hey... and if you want to visit Asia - we're in Taipei til mid-2010... so book now!!! Otherwise, we'll be in NZ later in the year for a while... hope to see you on this side of the planet!!!
Love you all!
Jen, Tony, Hunter & Helena
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Roughing It...
Here's a bit of my original blog about Leo Carrillo - with some added photos just for you family folks!!! Thanks for the great memories those few days!! My kids absolutely loved 'roughing it' with you guys! Thanks for making it easy for us to ease back into family life in CA - we loved hanging out with you!!!
Throughout my childhood we would finish off the summer with a bang - our annual family camping trip to the beach!!! I loved this week (and not only because my birthday usually landed during it and I could really ensure my tan stuck before school started)!!! Long days were spent bodyboarding, body surfing, taking naps in the sand with salt stuck to my shoulders, playing card games and hanging out til "the best time of the day" when the sun just started to lower and the breeze would turn just cool enough to make the trip up the hill more bearable. Of course, those were the days when I didn't have to prepare meals, the only person I had to bathe was myself and I could sleep in if those younger cousins didn't make too much ruckus!!! I guess those days are O-V-E-R!!! But... finally, after all these years, we did get to join the family for another one of those camping trips!!! This time, I went as a parent... and I still loved it!
We didn't get our usual place in San Clemente, we went north instead to Leo Carrillo State Park - where everything was a bit different, but still familiar enough. It was a great chance to hang out with my cousins and their kids... Hunter was surrounded by boys to learn from (read "push and be pushed by") and Helena got her share of cuddles and exploration time too. All in all - pretty much the way I remembered it - loaded with laughs!

Yep, these are the familiar elements I associate with "camping" - the things that make it such a pleasant experience in my book.

This was the first time, though, that I watched what the kids did -

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Girl Cousin Christmas Dinner
A Bonefide Bonfire

Hunter and Helena tried to get as much time in with Great-Grandma while they could!!!