Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hemit for Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011
25080 Pierson Rd. Homeland, Ca 92548

Come any time after 1 p.m., we will plan to eat around 3:00.
Bring a salad and dessert to share and some munchies;
Plastic eggs for the egg hunt for your children (10 each);
some type of basket or container for their eggs,
chairs or towels to sit on, bathing suits and towels for pool,
hiking shoes for the hike, if you want something other than ice tea,
coffee, lemonade or water bring that too, but above all else;
Bring an attitude of thanksgiving and excitement as we
celebrate another year that our Lord’s resurrection together as a family!
We look forward to this day and love having all of you
to share it with us, but we need to know if you are
coming or not and if you’re bringing extra people,
please be so kind as to let us know! 949.926.4957

Ron, JoAnne Provost and Family