Easter Party 2011
The special time of year has come and gone
Always passes way too fast
It seems we plan and prepare and wait so long
Then before we know it over and part of the past
So some of the kids grew 4 inches according to the chart
Katelyn, Erika, Natalie, and Nathan
Trevor, Ryan, and Maddie with 3 as their mark
Maybe Jacob would have won if he was measured in 2010?
Tiffany wins “Best PiƱata Ever” prize
That sweet little chicken with her feathers a blowing
Kept it together for even the older kids to give it a try
Took one of Uncle Ralph’s clubs to break her open
The food was great, the company sweet
Thanks for all who helped to make it complete
You brought the food, helped serve it up
Even left us stuff for our own hunt!
No snake, no handball
Not much swimming
Egg hunts, hiking, eating, some sleeping and preaching
Lots of laughter and “Oh Yeah” POPCORN!
“Did you get measured?” We keep yelling
The reason why is that is the only way for telling
When were you here and when did you miss? Check the wall and you will see
So this year the biggest crowd ever was one hundred thirty three!
Thank you to Amanda and Jason
Our day was a lot more fun
We got to visit and enjoy and even sit down
Even had a chance to keep up on the bark in the pond!
What a joy to have an old Maywood friend from our childhood day
Marcella had prayed for this opportunity for years
It was our family who showed her the love of Jesus and how to pray
She wanted to thank Mom and Dad for loving her, she said through her tears
What a blessing we have been given, what a legacy that we can carry on
Sharing the love of Jesus that we have seen and experienced
Through our parents, grand parents, great grand parents, aunts, uncles, in laws and so on!
Happy Easter to all from our family to yours!
Happy Easter to all our family and friends
From the Provosts
Wyatt counting Grandpa's fingers. 1-2-3-4!?
Handball - smaller crowd than usual
Basketball - Round 1
Maywood friend, Marcella
Easter prayers and thanksgiving
Both sucking their thumbs!
Dane loves being measured.
Baylee getting measured.
Grandma trying to stand real tall.

Reagan is so official.
Basketball - Round 2: Johnny's Ankle Loses
Go Jensen!
Go Courtney!
Go Daniel? With a golf club!
He makes it rain.
I want candy.
The chicken has been defeated.
Sweet Grace.
They'll be driving before we know it.
Sisters. Sisters.
The special time of year has come and gone
Always passes way too fast
It seems we plan and prepare and wait so long
Then before we know it over and part of the past
So some of the kids grew 4 inches according to the chart
Katelyn, Erika, Natalie, and Nathan
Trevor, Ryan, and Maddie with 3 as their mark
Maybe Jacob would have won if he was measured in 2010?
Tiffany wins “Best PiƱata Ever” prize
That sweet little chicken with her feathers a blowing
Kept it together for even the older kids to give it a try
Took one of Uncle Ralph’s clubs to break her open
The food was great, the company sweet
Thanks for all who helped to make it complete
You brought the food, helped serve it up
Even left us stuff for our own hunt!
No snake, no handball
Not much swimming
Egg hunts, hiking, eating, some sleeping and preaching
Lots of laughter and “Oh Yeah” POPCORN!
“Did you get measured?” We keep yelling
The reason why is that is the only way for telling
When were you here and when did you miss? Check the wall and you will see
So this year the biggest crowd ever was one hundred thirty three!
Thank you to Amanda and Jason
Our day was a lot more fun
We got to visit and enjoy and even sit down
Even had a chance to keep up on the bark in the pond!
What a joy to have an old Maywood friend from our childhood day
Marcella had prayed for this opportunity for years
It was our family who showed her the love of Jesus and how to pray
She wanted to thank Mom and Dad for loving her, she said through her tears
What a blessing we have been given, what a legacy that we can carry on
Sharing the love of Jesus that we have seen and experienced
Through our parents, grand parents, great grand parents, aunts, uncles, in laws and so on!
Happy Easter to all from our family to yours!
Happy Easter to all our family and friends
From the Provosts
Reagan is so official.