Dear Family,
I was sitting in my CBS class this morning and I was reminded of all of you. We have been studying the book of Ephesians and this morning we discussed chapter 6...The Armor of God.
I was filled with so many fond memories of saying this together as a family. As a young girl I didn't fully understand what it all meant but it was imprinted on my heart. To this day, I am remind (most days) to begin my day with my armor on. Knowing that I may not know what the day holds but God will is with be and has equipped me with the Spirit.
We discussed the image of a line of soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder with their shields linked together, ready to move forward. This caused me to prayer for our family. A lot more powerful then a single solider standing tall.
The last time we were in San Clemente I had announced I was moving back to Seattle and our devotions were centered on the topic of community. We ended that time by putting our armor on together. I love holding that image in my heart today.
Let's be reminded this day that we stand together, shields linked, grounded in faith, and protected by the Spirit. This day may find you, giving birth (Katie), struggling at your job, worried over finances, mourning the loss of someone, feeling worthless or not enough, doubting God, feeling rejected, joyful for the sunshine or time to play, brokenhearted, hopeless, missing home, encouraged,
or ________, the list can go on and on but KNOW...
We are behind you! We are backing you up! Let us continue to pray for one another and reach out to connect in the midst of our day.
Thank you family for loving me well and for being a part of my journey. See you in San Clemente!
Save the Dates: Summer 2025
4 weeks ago