Hi family... as you probably know from my multiple emails, I'm working on a little 'family project' and still need contributions so if you're feeling disappointed because you missed the deadline don't worry - IT'S NOT TOO LATE (yet) for you to send me an email and some photos. But just as important - if you've got some recent photos of any family members please shoot them my way: tony.jen777@msa.hinet.net - I've got some written contributions but no photos for quite a few of you - so if anyone has photos of the following folks - I'd love them:
Bradbury's, Beachner's, Carroll's, Provost's (any/all of them), Goodman's (Jessica, send one with the new baby), Paul Boyer's clan... and if you have any recent ones of my parents (together or separate) that would be awesome!!! AND I do have a few good photos of some of you but no words... so would love to hear from you! THANKS HEAPS!!!! See you in July!!!
Save the Dates: Summer 2025
4 weeks ago
Thanks, Jason & Kim... you guys are great!!