Friday, April 15, 2011

Rookie Coach of the Year!

Amanda we are so proud of you!

Check out the article on our very own Rookie Coach of the Year.... All State!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Phone-A-Friend Family Survey

Amanda here. Just a quick story for everyone and an update for those of you that we 'phoned-a-friend' to last night and this morning.

Jason and I are visiting Stephanie in Seattle this weekend and we all got into a fun dispute last night. I, the 'newbie' (as they dubbed me), made a claim that one of our family members uses the expression "oh my lands". Jason and Stephanie said that in their collective 58 years of experience with the family, they had never heard this expression. Thus the dispute began.

I felt ganged up against by the sister-brother duo so I felt that I needed some backup. I proceeded to phone-a-friend to Diane. The question was, "Which family member says, 'Oh my lands!' ?"

She gave me the answer I was looking for. GRANDMA. Of course it's Grandma. Whether it's in response to someone's move in a card game, or an outlandish statement - she says it! And because she influences others - there are aunts, uncles and cousins who say it as well.

Amanda: 2
Stephanie&Jason: 2

So of course they said that I had to get one more vote to win - and then it all went down hill from there. Aunt Francine didn't give me the answer I was looking for so we all had to keep calling around until I got the amount of points I was looking for (I'm not competitive at all). Here are the answers we got:

Aunt Francine: Didn't know what to say. No one?
Tamara: Nicole
Kim (another newbie may I add): GRANDMA
Grandma: "I THINK IT'S ME!"
Grandpa: Francine, then once we told him about it, he said that "Grandma does not say that"
Aunt Joanne: Denise
Uncle Ronnie: Grandpa
Tori A: Nicole, at Hemit weekend.
Jessica: GRANDMA
Uncle Mark: GRANDMA, "It starts with Grandma."
Aunt Janna: Diane?
Carlie: "Definitely GRANDMA Boyer"
Ashley: Aunt Joanne
Janel: "Oh gosh, I think it's me"
David: GRANDMA and Uncle Ronnie
Uncle John: "That's my mom, my mom says that" GRANDMA
April: Amanda (ha!)
Stephen: GRANDMA

So in the end,
Amanda: 17
Stephanie&Jason: 12

Noteworthy addition: while we were asking different people the question, we heard Uncle Ronnie's famous line, "Oh my golly" (which Uncle Ronnie gave credit to Grandpa for). Stephanie said that it was said ten times during her conversation with Nicole.

All I know is when Grandma says, "Oh my lands" next time at the card table, hopefully there will be an eruption of laughter. Let's extend Janel's challenge to use 'oh my lands' sometime today. Love you all!

*Sorry if we didn't reach you! Feel free to leave your answer in the comments section!