Friday, July 17, 2009

Answered Prayers

It's me, Stephanie. Thank you all for your prayers over the last three weeks. I have gone from being "healthy" going about my day--getting diagnosed---having surgery and spending three days in the hospital--currently in day four of about 25 recovering at home. Wow! God is and has been faithful throughout this process and I am well rested in His hands. Dad and I just dropped Mom and Rhianna off at the airport. It was such a blessing to have them here for my surgery and some critical recovery time. Now, the weekend with Dad, which will include a lot of Rocky:) I have received your flowers, cards, and phone calls and these has helped keep moral high-thank you for loving me! My goal is to be all healed up so we can all dance while celebrating Jason and Amanda's union!

In His Grip,

Prayer Request: For my Grandma Doris. Wisdom for doctors and my mother as they try to make healthy choices for Grandma. It is hard for my mom to know what to ask for help because they are still trying to figure it out. Thank you for volunteering your time and support while Mom was up in Seattle with me.


  1. so great to hear from you! I am so thankful you are feeling better and on this side of the surgery. Love you tons and praying God makes your recovery quick and easy! Love you!

  2. hi Fluff... it's great to hear you're recovering well... and great to know you've got so many people to help in the process. I guess you won't be making it down while we're there... we'll miss you heaps! next time... in the meantime, REST WELL
